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发布者:雷顿电气   发布时间:2013-11-1 10:02:05     点击:5758次 【 打印本文】 【关闭窗口


With more and more smart electronics playing a central role in our everyday lives, you`d think they`d be making life easier. But with so many different technology formats, things are getting more cluttered and complicated, not more convenient.

ISCE utilizes advanced technology of computer automation and communication to translate the complicated everyday processes such as anti-thief, AC, background music , lighting, ventilation etc, to a clear and simple output on your screen, simplifying and adding security and comfort to your life。



ISCE takes you to experience the powerful of home automation in a completely easy way. Safe guard, anti-thief, smoke sensors, leakage etc, everything has been supervised .You`re in control。


ISCE is designed to put more control at your service by allowing you to see what is happening in your home without taking the place of the existing system。


ISCE is your right-hand man, always ready to meet all of your” turning on” or “off”, and a personal vision for each room represented in “photo-realistic” mode


“智•尚•家”,家庭中的“指挥家”,将用她那充满智慧的音符 为您上演智能尊享、舒适节能的新篇章。

At ISCE, we`re making it simple and affordable for you to intelligently control virtually any device in your home—from TVs to thermostats, door locks to DVRs—no matter where you are, using one easy-to-use interface. This is intelligent home ----- Security Comfort Environment, A genius idea, indeed.。


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